Why KFI?
If you sell food, a kosher certification agency will ensure there’s no pork (or any non-kosher ingredient or process) in your food. They give their stamp of approval. You get their market.
And if you sell financial products, KFI will help you remove ribbis from your products. We give you our stamp of approval. And you corner the faith-based Jewish market—found in studies to increase sales by 20 percent.
As first in the industry in what we do, we’re the leaders.
In-house KFI expert Rabbi Aaron Wieder is a universally respected and trailblazing authority on finance and ribbis. An accomplished career Dayan (Jewish court justice), Rabbi Wieder literally wrote the Mishpat HaRibbis a book on ribbis law.
With KFI certification, you tell the faith-based Jewish consumer that you get their business.
888-534-0111 info@kfikosher.org